Obama Owns Women

Obama's got women by the nads. The raw manipulation of women worked well in 2012 as the weaker sex in swing states voted for Ofail by a 2:1 margin.

Women are easy to fool.  All Democrats need do is raise a false-alarm over abortion and 'ownable' women get frothy at the mouth.  For example, the Sandra Fluke $9 birth control pill snake-oil-show was cheap and effective.

Some women are smarter, quicker, and far more competent than liberal males.  Examples include staunch fighters like Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Dana Loesch, Laura Ingraham, Angela McGowan, and Star Parker.

Liberal females by contrast are air-headed, reactionary, emotional and predictable.  These lames include Nancy Pelosi, Jane Fonda, Barbara Streisand, Rosanne Barr, and Hillary Clinton.

Smart Girl Politics Action says Obama is effective “distracting” women voters with baubles like affordable college education and contraception diversions.

So thanks ladies for being so easily duped and carrying water for the wrong side.

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