Camel Crushes Woman

A female Florida truck driver pulled into a popular truck stop to give her deaf dog a chance to take a leak.

But the dog leapt off the truck and attacked Caspar the camel standing innocently in his pen, instead.  The woman ran to grab her dog and ended up squashed under the 1100 pound ungulate.

“I bit his balls to get him off of me, I bit his testicles to get him off of me,” she told the cops as she was being loaded into the ambulance.

After considering the camel's docile past and the pride-crushing assault on his camel-hood, the officer cited the lady truck driver for trespassing and violating area leash laws.

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New Tongue From A Left Arm?

Rebecca couldn't shake a white patch on her tongue and sore spot that never went away.

Soon after visiting doctors she got the diagnoses no one want to hear;  tongue cancer.

"My world had shattered into a million pieces. I remember saying to the consultant: ‘I can’t have cancer, my life with my fiancé is just beginning.’

Rebecca submitted to eleven and a half hours of surgery;   The team removed the right side of her tongue and replacing the appendage with skin and an artery from her left arm, right lymph nodes in her neck and two back teeth so her new tongue would fit.

After months of pain, inability to eat and depression, Rebecca seems to be coming back.  Cool.

Thief Uses Photographic Memory To Steal

A Japanese clerk memorized over 1300 customers' credit cards while processing their orders.  He later went on an online shopping spree using the cards' numbers.

The cops nailed the guy quickly but not before he could steal about $2,600 bucks.

The use of an eidetic memory to retain credit card numbers was a first according to authorities.

In 2016, a gang of thieves used 1,600 forged cards to withdraw money from 1,400 cash machines across Japan. In just over two hours, they stole $13 million.

Software Error Results In Killer Sex Robot

Sex robots with ‘full AI programming’ are about to hit the market and are fully capable of 'replacing human intimacy,' says collector Brick Dollbanger. 

Dollbanger warns, "it's going to be more durable, instead of having bones it's going to have high impact, plastic or aluminium won't get tired, it won't stop [until the battery runs out]."

Dollbanger (not a software expert) wonders, "if you...have a line of bad code [and it] puts its arm around your neck and just stop you from breathing...[then what]?"

Would the warranty be nullified?  Shouldn't we as a society be asking these tough question BEFORE someone dies?  Or do we accept the death rates like we do for car and aircraft disasters - you know, for the greater orgasmic good?

Humans Are Food Of Future?

Just when you thought the climate goons could not get crazier along comes a Swedish Scientist insisting eating people will save the planet.

Magnus Söderlund announced seminars on the imperative of consuming human flesh in order to stop climate change.

Remember, the climate weenies claim critter eaters are the worst perps.

So watch out could be birthing something today that will literally BBQ you tomorrow.